<tc>Are you a new retailer?</tc>
If you are interested in becoming a retailer of Jewelry by Grundled, contact Line Kirstine on linekirstine@grundled.dk or on +45 27640761.
1. Write in the subject field: New retailer!
2. Please note the store name, attach a link to your website/webshop, your Instagram and your Facebook page as well as contact information.
And finally sign up for our B2B newsletter which deals with products and about new measures regarding our jewelry. You sign up for the newsletter at the bottom of b2b.grundled.com.

<tc>Are you an existing retailer?</tc>
If you are already a retailer and want to visit our sweet salesperson Line Kirstine to see our news, contact her on linekirstine@grundled.dk and she will get back to you as soon as possible.
You are also welcome to place your order online at our B2B shop, where you log in with your username and password. On the page we also explain how to place an order if you have not used our B2B shop yet. And if you have any questions, you should always just contact Line Kirstine.